Developments of Regional Impact (DRIs) are large-scale developments that are likely to have regional effects beyond the local government jurisdiction in which they are located.

The Georgia Planning Act of 1989 authorized the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) to establish procedures for review of these large-scale projects. These procedures are designed to improve communication between affected governments and to provide a means of revealing and assessing potential impacts of large-scale developments before conflicts relating to them arise. At the same time, local government autonomy is preserved since the host government maintains the authority to make the final decision on whether a proposed development will or will not go forward.

The DRI Review Process is intended to:

  • Enhance the focus on quality growth in planning and executing major development projects throughout the state;
  • Provide careful consideration of, and planning for, impacts of major development projects on local public infrastructure and services; and
  • Improve local, regional, and state-level communication about new growth in the state.

Additional DRI Information:

DRI Rules – NEW! March 1, 2014.

DRI Online System (Application Submissions) – All DRI Projects must be submitted via the DRI Online System. To assist in project planning and management, fillable PDF forms are also available for download: DRI Form 1 and DRI Form 2.

Factsheet – Provides a summary of the DRI Rules and outlines the review process.

Threshold Table – Outlines the minimum DRI thresholds for each type of development in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Areas. Proposed Developments that do not equal or exceed these thresholds are not subject to DRI Review.

Readiness Checklist –  If a proposed development meets the threshold for a DRI, the Readiness Checklist will assist the local government in determining if it has all the information needed to initiate the DRI review process.

Flowchart – A PDF version of the above Overview Flowchart.

Frequently Asked Questions about the DRI Process.


Questions about the DRI Process?

Contact Greg Boike by email or telephone: (478) 751-6160.




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