About the Regional Plan:

Each regional commission throughout the state is required to develop and update a regional plan every five years. These plans not only guide the work of the regional commission but also help identify regional priorities and issues of importance that confront many of its communities. In the final regional plan, the regional commission will develop goals, such as growing a balanced economy, protecting natural and cultural resources, providing adequate infrastructure and government services, and coordinating land use and transportation planning to support sustainable economic development.

2024 Middle Georgia Regional Plan:

On August 8, 2024, the Middle Georgia Regional Commission Council formally adopted the 2024 updates to the regional plan for Middle Georgia. Associated documents can be viewed below. Anyone with questions or comments about this plan is encouraged to contact MGRC staff.

The regional plan as developed by the Middle Georgia Regional Commission (MGRC) staff and approved by the MGRC Council includes several separate documents that are prepared individually and used to supplement one another throughout the planning process. These plan components include the Regional Assessment, Stakeholder Involvement Program, Regional Agenda, and Regionally Important Resources Plan.

• The Regional Assessment is the first part and foundation of the regional plan. It provides an objective and professional assessment of data and information about the region.

• The second part of the regional plan is a Stakeholder Involvement Program that describes the Regional Commission’s strategy for engaging members of the public to ensure adequate participation in the preparation of the Regional Agenda.

• The Regional Agenda is the final part of the regional plan and is the most important. It includes the region’s vision for the future, as well as the strategy for achieving this vision.

• Finally, a Regionally Important Resource Plan systematically identifies regionally important resources in each region and recommends best practices for use in managing these important resources.

Engagement with regional stakeholders is a critically important part of regional plan development, as it allows MGRC staff to receive feedback about the biggest challenges facing residents of the region, and how best to alleviate those problems. It also allows citizens to have their voice expressed in the regional vision and in the development of regional strategies and work programs. Public input is always welcome on regional planning documents and may be submitted to Greg Boike.

To complement additional regional planning efforts, MGRC also prepares and maintains a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) under the guidelines of the U.S. Economic Development Administration. This document is also updated every five years and is developed in close consultation  with regional economic development stakeholders.

• 2012- 2017 Middle Georgia CEDS

Like the region as a whole, each local government is required to prepare updates to its local comprehensive plan every five years. MGRC frequently is asked to assist with this task. Information about ongoing comprehensive planning in our communities can be found on our comprehensive planning webpage.

MGRC staff develops updates to the regional plan every five years. Below are pertinent documents from previous years. Regional stakeholders are encouraged to review this information, and contact the regional commission with any questions or comments.